Board Minutes - March 2014

Cochise Terrace LOA

Board Meeting
March 12, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 3:55 PM in the View Room by President Mary Glazman. Board members and officers present were Dave Allmendinger, Ed Geise, and Treasurer Jay Hocking. Absent were Board members Pete Wangsness and Art Bale.

Copies of the Feb. 12, 2014 LOA Board meeting minutes were distributed. There were no additions or corrections. Motion made by Dave Allmendinger, seconded by Ed Geise, to accept the minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:
A report of account balances and transactions was distributed. A 3 month CD was changed to a 12 month CD, so all 4 CDs now are set to auto renew for 12 months when they mature. Motion made by Ed to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Dave. Motion carried.

The LOA's insurance has been renewed at no additional cost to increase coverage on the gate to $10K.

Committee reports:
Common area: The curved wall could use painting, also the bulletin board. Some of the plantings look dead or dying. These are projects for the fall.

ACC: It probably would be a good idea to review the rules and regs and revise them as necessary.

Old Business:
The lower gate: At their annual meeting the majority vote of the HOA members was to keep the gate closed. At the LOA annual meeting, the LOA members had voted to leave the gate open during the day in winter months. Therefore, the LOA and HOA Boards needed to meet to resolve the situation. There was a problem trying to find a date when both boards would have a quorum. After weighing the pros and cons of keeping the gate closed versus having the gate open, the LOA Board decided on keeping the gate closed. Motion made by Dave, seconded by Ed. Motion carried. That means the gate will continue to operate as it does now.

Road work: BNR will send us a contract for crackfill only of the roads in the LOA, excluding South Circle Drive, plus one layer of sealcoat of the road in the area of lots 33 to 36. Work has tentatively been scheduled for March 20.

Brass memorial plaques have been ordered for Ernie Lamb, Mary Brown and Dutch VanWyk. They will be mounted on the back of the LOA bulletin board in the LOA common area. In the fall, a better, more respectful location will be determined.

New Business:
There have been several instances of confusion of Cochise Terrace LOA and Cochise Terrace LLC. It does not matter whether this was as a the result of carelessness or failure to understand that these are two different entities. The LOA Board will be looking into ways to prevent this from happening, one idea being a “dba” so we would be Cochise Terrace LOA doing business as Roadrunner Ridge LOA.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Dave moved to adjourn, seconded by Ed. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Acting secretary Mary Glazman

The next regular meeting of the LOA Board is scheduled for April 9, 2014, at 1:00 PM in the View Room provided there is a quorum.