Board Minutes - April 2012

                                                     Cochise Terrace LOA
                                                          Board Meeting
                                                          April 9, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Mary Glazman at 10:02am. In attendance Mary Glazman, Pres, Pete Wangness, Board Mbr., Anita Gilmore, Treas. Phyllis Petersen, Vp.
Absent: Dutch Van Wyk and Vickie Manning, Sect.

1. Comments-none.

2. Minutes from March- No additions or corrections. Motion to accept made by Pete, seconded by Phiyllis.

3. Treasurer's report- Anita gave report. Treasurer’s report accepted.

4. Old Business

Vials of Life: Phyllis needs more empty pill bottles. Also, need to publicize the program.

The walkway between lots 33 & 34: need posthole digger for posts to put up the signs. Phyllis suggested waiting until monsoon season so ground will be softened.
Street lights committee: will be drawing up guidelines over the summer for discussion in the fall. Committee will communicate via e-mail for members not here over the summer.

Roads: Qualified companies will be contact over the summer for estimate of costs to rebuild the roads so we can plan to have sufficient funds in reserve if/when a rebuild becomes necessary. This is for long term planning since rebuilding does not appear to be necessary at this time or in the near future.

5. New Business

Starting with the Sept 2012 meeting, regular board meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM so meetings do not interfere with work schedules for some board members.

Unless business that requires a board meeting occurs, no regular board meetings are scheduled until September 2012.

6. Motion to adjourn meeting made by Phyllis, seconded by Pete. Meeting adjourned at 10:56 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Glazman