2014 Annual Meeting Minutes


JANUARY 12, 2014

1. Meeting called to order by President Mary Glazman at 2:06 p.m.

Board members present: Mary Glazman, Dave Allmendinger, and Ed Geise.  Treasurer Jay Hocking, Acting Secy. Carolyn Schulz.  Absent: Pete Wangsness, Art Bale.

2. Introduction of Board members, officers and committee members:

President Glazman introduced new Treasurer, Jay Hocking.

Special thanks to Anita Gilmore, Vickie Manning, and Julie Kessler, ACC members Sue Allmendinger, Don Del Rosario, Les Mayfield and Dutch VanWyk.

Thanks also to Phyllis Peterson and Ginny Allen for being on the Nominating Committee, Sharon Del Rosario for the newsletter, Jerry Glazman for the website, and Mary Lee Tiernan for compiling the directory information and printing labels.

3. Comments from Members: Lee Peterson invited all to attend the Tombstone Party January 14 and the salmon feed on February 3rd.

4. Minutes of last year’s annual meeting: Motion by Jerry Glazman to accept minutes of last year’s annual meeting; second by Les Mayfield. Motion passed.

5. Treasurer’s Report:

Report of account balances was read.  Motion by Phyllis Peterson to accept the Treasurer’s report; second by Mary Lee Tiernan. Motion passed.

Copies of Budget for 2014 were made available to members. Projected deficit due to road and gate repairs. Motion by Bob Marslett to accept Budget for 2014; second by Anita Gilmore. Motion passed.

6. Committee Reports: Common Area Chairman Dave Allmendinger reported improvements to the common area. A wood rack has been added-no more wood is needed at this time. The palm tree has been trimmed and will require yearly maintenance.

ACC Chairman Ed Geise suggested that if you plan to do construction over the summer, have your plans submitted before April 1. If unable to do so, mail the plans to Ed.

Nominating Committee: Peter Wangsness, and Mary Glazman were re-elected to the Board with 41 votes each.


Road repair
: Mary Glazman is soliciting bids to have the cracks filled from Lot 1-55 and Cardinal Circle and a top coat in the area of Lots 33 to 36 due to erosion of seal coat.

Equifunding lawsuit update:

At this time no Judge has been assigned to the case and therefore, there is no activity happening with the lawsuit.. President Glazman read a letter she submitted to the attorney, Jason Smith. His response will be e-mailed to members.


Lower Gate Issue:
Whether or not to have the gate closed at all times or open only during the day in the winter season and closed during the summer season.
Motion by Arlene Grapp to have gates open during winter. Mary Lee Tiernen asked to have winter defined. Members agreed on October 1 through April 30.
Motion amended to have gates remain open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. starting October 1 running through April 30. Second by Mary Lee Tiernan. Motion passed.

Next Board meeting February 12, 2014, View Room

LOA Annual meeting January 11, 2015, 2:00 p.m., The Barn

Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Carolyn Schulz, Acting Secretary