Board Minutes - November 2013

Cochise Terrace LOA

Board Meeting
November 13, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM in the View Room by President Mary Glazman. Board members and officers present were Dave Allmendinger. Ed Geise, and Treasurer Anita Gilmore. Absent were Board members Pete Wangsness and Art Bale. LOA members attending were Don Feller and Jerry Glazman.

The meeting was opened to comments. The question of how to get LOA members more interested in and involved with the LOA was discussed. Maybe we need some of the of the social activities we used to have – like get-togethers around the campfire, pot luck spreads with hot dogs and hamburgs, ice cream socials, etc. Input from LOA members would be appreciated.

Minutes from the Oct 30th board meeting:
There were no additions or corrections. Motion made by Dave, seconded by Ed to accept the minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:
Balance as of 10/31/3013  Treasurer’s report was accepted as read. The invoice from Cochise Terrace LLC for 2014 trash collection has been received.

Old Business:
Dave commented on the unsightly pile of fire wood that has been dumped in the common area. He checked into the availability and costs for firewood racks and described them. Dave made a motion, seconded by Ed, to purchase a covered 4x4 ft stainless steel rack for $144. Motion carried.

Dave also brought up condition of the palm tree in the common area. For the past few years it has not been pruned to remove dead fronds and such. He has the name of a professional who can do the work. Ed made a motion, seconded by Dave to hire someone to do the work for $100 or less. Motion carried.

Update on the yard sale in the gated area this fall that had been proposed last spring. It's not going to be happening, at least not this fall.

New Business:
The accounting program (Quicken) currently being used by the Treasurer has numerous short-comings. There was some discussion of other available programs, namely Quick Books, which costs around $200, and a “free ware” program called “GNU Cash”. More study is needed to determine if one of these programs would be more suitable. Further discussion was tabled.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Ed moved to adjourn, seconded by Dave. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Acting secretary Mary Glazman

The next regular meeting of the LOA Board of Directors will be Wednesday, December11, 2013, at 7:00 PM in the View Room.