2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

Cochise Terrace LOA
Annual Meeting
January 9th 2011

Board members in attendance Phyllis Peterson, Pres., Vicki Helwig, VP, Ken VanWyk, Acc Chairman, Mary Glazman, Treas., Vickie Manning, Sec., Pete Wangsness.

1. Meeting called to order by Phyllis at 2pm.

2. Introduction of Pete to board to replace Gene Black. New ACC members introduced, Boyd DeFrance and John Manning. Vicki Helwig Vp and Ken VanWyk as Acc chairman.

3. Special thanks to outgoing members Rex Osmond, Gene Black and Dot Robida. Gene and Kay Black will be going home to attend to Kay's knee problem.

4. Comments from LOA membership for a later agenda: Cliff Brown summitted letter to board Dec. 4th and has not received a response from board. Lee Petersen expressed concerns over lawsuit and wants LOA to retain a lawyer. Bill Flowers read letter written by Lynn Flowers regarding lawsuit implications for the LOA. She wants show of support between LOA and LLC. Phyllis read a comment from Art Bale thanking people for the show of support from the LOA & HOA. Dennis Moore recommended that Cliff Brown not be present when the lawsuit is being discussed. Bob Marslett recommends that the LOA do nothing in reference to the lawsuit.

5. Phyllis Peterson read lawsuit update: Sale of lots, Lot 75 has been sold by Bob Marslett with no issues. Taxes, if lawsuit results in quit claim deed being invalid the LOA's assessed value would remain at a maximum of $500.00 with resulting taxes at approximately $5.00. Each year we file with state under AZ statutes ARS-13401 and 42-1304 to retain our non profit status. County assessor in Bisbee shows the LOA currently owns the Eastern half of South Circle drive, all roads within the LOA lots areas and the common area where we have benches and the fire pit. All washes surrounding the LOA are owned by Cochise Terrace LLC. On a notice from assessor's office no tax, interest, or penalty may be imposed for the current or any preceding years.

6. Motion to approve 2010 general meeting. Motion made by Bill Flowers and 2nd by Mark Tetrault. No additions or corrections. Motion was approved.

7. Emergency contacts needed for all LOA members.

8. Treasurer report for 2010: Mary read report and 2011 budget. Bob Marslett has asked repeatedly for the Treasurer to be bonded. Phyllis explained board has agreed to monthly reconciliation instead of bonding. Dot Robida has agreed to help monthly reconcile of books. Phyllis will do further research into bonding. Dot Robida questioned why Loa is paying $500.00 more for insurance than the HOA. Phyllis said we will investigate this matter. Motion to accept treasurer report and budget made by Bill Flower and 2nd by Gary Kessler. Motion was accepted.

9. Old Business: Gate concerns from 2010 meeting were taken care of. Summer access to LOA records. Dennis Moore moved to have board member access records during summer. Access by board member will be okay as we now have two year round board members.

10. New Business: Facilities fees: AZ statue says can be raised by 20%. Letter read from Art Bale justifying costs. Partial ballot count for Loa retaining lawyer in reference to lawsuit: Count is 25 no and 18 yes. Bob Marslett would like an itemization and proof of 20% increase. He would like a committee to justify this increase. Phyllis stated this does not have to be justified per statue. Gary Kessler stated all LOA members signed a paper agreeing to pay facility fees. Not up to board to address issue. Carrie Morse stated issue of groups coming into park have priority over LOA for using the facility buildings.

11. Kay Black expressed thanks to everyone for concern over her medical problem. We all wish Kay the best and hope everything goes well for her and Gene. We will miss you both and travel safe.

12. Motion to adjourn made by Mark Tetrault and 2nd by Carrie Morse at 2:45pm. Motion carried.

Vickie Manning, Sec.
Next annual meeting January 8th 2012 in the barn.
Next board meeting February 14th 2011 in the view room.

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